Thursday 20 August 2009

Pink Floyd na Cisjordânia

fonte:Palestine Chronicle

Pink Floyd
The United Nations on Wednesday (August 19) premiered a film narrated by former Pink Floyd front man Roger Waters on the plight of Palestinians living in the shadow of Israel's controversial separation barrier. The 15-minute film entitled "Walled Horizons" was made in honor of the fifth anniversary of the International Court of Justice's (ICJ) opinion that the barrier's meandering route through the occupied West Bank is illegal. The filmmakers interview a Palestinian farmer who has lost several dunams (hectares) of land to the wall and a family caught in the "seam line" between the wall and the 1967 Green Line separating Israel from the West Bank. The film concludes with a shot of scores of Palestinians packed into a fenced-in corridor waiting to pass through an Israeli checkpoint. Organizers of the project said they made the film out of concern that international awareness of the barrier's effect on Palestinians may be waning five years after the court's decision. (Reference for text: AFP. Photo: Via Google/file)
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