Sunday 23 August 2009

Doze palestinianos sufocados por gás lacrimogéneo na demonstração semanal em Bil'in


Dozen were suffocated by tear gas at the weekly demonstration in Bil'in

Dozen were suffocated with tear gas on Friday when Israeli troops attacked the Bil'in villagers, central west Bank, and their international and Israeli supporters.

Tear gas canister fired by the Israeli troops and Bil'in villagers today � photo by Haytham Al katyeb
Tear gas canister fired by the Israeli troops and Bil'in villagers today � photo by Haytham Al katyeb

As is the case each week, the protesters headed towards the Wall after the midday prayers. When they get close to the gate of the wall separating the villagers form their lands, troops started firing tear gas, causing the suffocation of dozens.

This week in Bil'in the Israeli military continued to target the organizers of the weekly nonviolent protests. Soldiers attacked the house of Mohammad Abu Rahma, age 48, and kidnapped him. Abu Rahmah is the vice president of the Bil'in village council and an organizer of the weekly nonviolent protests against the wall.

During the arrest, the soldiers where confronted by the village's camera man Haitham Khatib who was joined by international solidarity activists who live in the village. As Haithem was filming the arrest, one soldier hit him, broke his camera and hit two of the activists.

During the daily invasions that started last month the Israeli military have arrested 28 people, most of whom are under 18. Nineteen residents of Bil'in remain in Israeli detention. The military is trying to stop the weekly protest against the wall around the village.

The Palestinian village of Bil'in has become an international symbol of the Palestinian popular struggle. For almost 5 years, its residents have been continuously struggling against the de facto annexation of more than 50% of their farmlands for the construction of the Apartheid Wall.

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