Israel detains 9,600 Palestinians, including children, women -- report
GAZA, July 15 (KUNA) -- The number of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails reached up to 9,600, including 345 children and 85 women, a Palestinian researcher said in a statistical report on Wednesday.
Since 1967, Israel has arrested nearly 750,000 Palestinians including 69, 000 who were detained in Al-Aqsa uprising, said researcher Abdul Naser Farawna in his report.
Farawna was formerly detained by Israel and he specializes in Palestinian prisoners' affairs.
Meanwhile, the number of prisoners is estimated 9,600, including 345 children, 58 women, 535 officials, and 36 parliament members (MP) and they are distributed over 20 prisons for further interrogation, the report added.
Israel detains 18 Palestinians from the Gaza Strip, according to a law claiming the prisoners were illegitimate militants, the report said.
A total of 18 married women are detained, including one called Fatema Alzeq from Gaza, whose son Yusuf lives with her inside the prison. She gave birth to Yusuf in January 17, 2008.
The report indicated that three prisoners are sharing jail calls with their husbands.
In the report, Farawna warned of the consequences of detaining over 1,000 sick prisoners, who are in severe need of medical care and treatment. Among the sick are those who suffer from cancer, permanent illness, and disablities.
Since 1967, a total of 197 prisoners died in Israeli prisons.
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